Other Minorities: Professions & Workplace | Learning Difficulties | Prisoners | Haemophiliacs | Deaf | Homeless | Older | Travel | Faith Groups

[Young people/learning difficulties/low literacy]. Scottish AIDS Monitor (SAM). Booklet: 95mx197mm, 16pp, 2 col. Illustrations: Juliette de Wit. circa 1987.

[Profession]. The Institute of Electrolysis. Leaflet: A5 4pp, 2 col cover, 1 col inside. Feb 1987.

Guidelines for… Acupuncturists, Ear Piercers, Electrolysists, Hairdressers and Barbers, Tatooists, Unregistered Chiropodists [Profession]. Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS). Leaflets: A4 barrel folded to 1/3, 4 col. Textured paper. DHSS & Central Office of Information. Nov 1987.

[Profession]. Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS). Inside Leaflet: A4 barrel folded to 1/3, 4 col. Textured paper. DHSS & Central Office of Information. Nov 1987.

[Profession]. Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS). Inside Leaflet: A4 barrel folded to 1/3, 4 col. Textured paper. DHSS & Central Office of Information. Nov 1987.

[People with haemophilia]. The Haemophilia Society. Leaflet: A5 8pp, 2 col cover, mono inside. 1988.

[Profession]. CBI, TUC, ACAS. Leaflet; A5, 6 page barrel fold, mono. 1988

[Prisoners]. Scottish Prison Service. Leaflet: 1/3 A4 10pp barrelfold, 4 col outside, 2 col inside. Design: Graphics Group, Scottish Office. October 1989.

[Prisoners]. Greater Glasgow Health Board, Health Education Department. Leaflet: A3 barrel folded to 1/3, 2 col. Developed with prisoners. (Reference to Barlinnie Prison). circa 1990.

Haemophilia HIV & Safer Sex – The Choice is Here [People with haemophilia]. The Haemophilia Society. Booklet: 234x212mm. 28pp, 4 col (pms). Design: The Classroom. 1990.

[Deaf youth community]. AIDS Ahead (British Deaf Association). Leaflet: A5 12pp 4 col. Design & Illustration: David Peet. 1991.

[Deaf community] AIDS Ahead (British Deaf Association). Poster: A3, 2 col. circa 1990-95.

[Deaf community] AIDS Ahead (British Deaf Association). Leaflet; A4 barrel folded to 1/3, 2 col. circa 1990-95.

[Profession]. Department of Employment. Booklet: A5 20pp, 4 col. circa 1990-1992.

[Faith group]. Catholic AIDS Link. Press ad: 1/8p mono. Pride Official Magazine 29 June 1991.

[Young people/learning difficulties/low literacy]. Scottish AIDS Monitor (SAM). Booklet: A5 8pp, 2 col cover, mono inside. Design: Gerry Duffy. Reprinted January 1992.

[Young people/learning difficulties/low literacy]. Scottish AIDS Monitor (SAM). Booklet: 70x119mm, 24pp, 4 col. Reproduced from National Board of Health, The AIDS Foundation & Education Dept, Danish Radio/TV. circa early 1990s.

[Profession]. Sport and HIV: A kitbag guide for managers, coaches and players Health Education Authority (HEA). Booklet: 210x99mm 36pp 4 col, sep cover print on 1 side. Design: Cooper Wilson Design. Illustration: Tim Jacques. 1992.

[Tourists / travelling]. Liverpool Health Promotion Unit. Alter Attitudes to AIDS project Poster: A2 4 col. Design & illustration: Andrew Dineley.1992.

[Tourists / travelling]. Department of Health. Leaflet: 1/3 A4, folding to 6pp, 4 col. Contains attached business card: 85x54mm, 4 col. Produced: Lane, Earl & Cox Advertising Ltd. June 1993.

[Older gay men]. Age Concern. Poster: 420x210mm 2 col. Age Concern Lewisham & The Positive Place. Photo: Robert Taylor. circa 1993.

[Older people. 2 versions: gay and hetero]. Leaflet: 210 x100mm 2 col 8pp. Age Concern Lewisham & The Positive Place. Funding: Lewisham Council Equalities Unit & HIV Unit. Design: Artworkers. Photos: Robert Taylor. 1993.

[Drug users, sex workers, homeless, youth]. S.O.S (Street Outreach Services, Brighton). Leaflet: A4 folded to A5, 1col. Design: Sandra Webzell. East Sussex Health Authority, Health Promotion Unit for Brighton Hove & Lewes. October 1993.

[Deaf youth community]. AIDS Ahead (British Deaf Association). Publication: A4 8pp 2 col. Illustration: Tamsin?. circa 1990-95.

[Deaf community]. The best lovers are good with their hands. AIDS Ahead (British Deaf Association). Poster: A2 4 col. Design: J Walter Thompson. Fingerspelling reads “Use a condom”. circa 1990-95.

[Tourists / travelling]. Gateshead Healthcare, Health education Unit. Leaflet: 1/3 A4, folding to 6pp, 1 col. date unknown.

[Tourists / travelling]. Liverpool Environmental Health Service, Health Protection & Promotion. Poster: A3 3 col. Design: Graphic Design Unit, P.R.I.S. 1994.

[Faith group]. The Jewish AIDS Trust. Leaflet: 1/3 A4, 8pp, mono. February 1995.

[Profession]. Avert. Booklet: A5, 28pp, 2 col. Design: The Campaign Consultancy. April 1995.

[Tourists / travelling]. HEA. Poster: A3 3 col. 1995.

[Tourists / travelling]. HEA. Booklet: 188x105mm, 32pp, 4 col. Design: JMA. 1995.

[Tourists / travelling]. Portsmouth HealthCare NHS Trust, Health Promotion Services. Business card: 53x85mm, 2 col front, mono reverse. circa mid 1990s.

[Tourists / travelling]. Tayside Health Promotion Poster: 594 x 280mm. 4 col. Design: (in-house) Alistair McGillivray. 1996.

[Gay male tourist / travelling]. (Home and Away – Have Sex the Safer Way). Healthy Gay Manchester (HGM) A2 4 col. 1996.

[Profession]. HIV & AIDS, Information for Employees of Liverpool City Council Liverpool Environmental Health Service, Health Protection & Promotion. Leaflet: A4 folded to 1/3. 2 col. Design: Graphic Design Unit. date unknown.

[Profession]. Leicestershire Health Authority. Leaflet: A5 8pp 2 col. Design: Top Draw Graphics. With Leicester County Council. date unknown.

[Drug users, sex workers, homeless, youth]. S.O.S (Street Outreach Services, Brighton). Leaflet: 1/2 A4 folded to square. 2 col. circa mid 90s.

[People with haemophilia]. The Birchgrove Group. Publication: A4, 16pp, 2 col on coloured stock. circa 1996.

[Deaf gay men]. Rubber Stuffers. Leaflet insert in condom pack: A4 folded to 1/8, 1 col. 2 x sided (front & back shown). Artwork: Andy Roberts. 1996.

[Deaf gay men]. Deaf MESMAC. Men who have sex with Men. Action in the Community. Poster: A2, 2 col. Design: Health First Graphic Design Studio. Photo: Gordon Rainsford. With British Deaf Association. 1996/1997.

[Deaf gay men]. Deaf Mesmac. Press ad: 1/4p 4 col. Pride Day & Night Guide 1997.

[Tourists / travelling]. The Terrence Higgins Trust. Booklet: 140x80mm, 16pp, 2 col. Design: Fly. 1997.

[Prisoners]. UK Coalition of People Living with HIV and AIDS (UKC). Press ad: 1/8 page, 4 col. Positive Nation issue 18, May 1997.

[Drug users, sex workers, homeless, youth]. Working in all areas of sexual health and safer drug use. CLASH (Central London Action on Street Health). Leaflet 1/3 A4 barrel folded in 3, 2 col. Feb 1997.

[Young gay sex workers]. Are you male, under 26 and selling sex… Streetwise Youth. Press ad: 1/2p 4 col. Pride Day & Night Guide 1997.

[Faith group]. Jewish AIDS Trust. Press ad: 1/6p 4 col. Pride Day & Night Guide 1997.

[Hetero over 35’s]. Tayside Health Promotion. Leaflet: A4 folding to 1/3. 4 col. Design: (inhouse) Alistair McGillivray. 1998.

[Faith Group] Jewish AIDS Trust. Press ad: 63x90mm, 4 col. +ve, issue 14. Feb 2001.

[Faith Group] JAT. press ad; 1/4p, 4 col. Positive Nation, issue 136, Dec 2007.

[Faith Group] Positive Catholics. Leaflet; A4 folding to 1/3, 2 col. circa 2014.

[Learning difficulties/low literacy]. Waverley Care. Digital resource, A4 PDF, 2 page (both shown). Accessed online 2023.