HIV Sector (Professional & Voluntary): Health Promotion | Medical Profession | Research & Academic | Training | Publications

Office of Health Economics. Booklet: A5, 60pp + 4p cover, 4 col cover, 2 col inside. Dec 1986.

Fife Health Board. Binder containing 158pp A4 manual; 3 x leaflets; condoms, latex gloves, syringe, elastoplast; address stickers; condom display info. mono, 2 col cover. Design: Graeme Babbs. Original condom man design; Tim Davis, FPS Ltd. circa 1988.

Fife Health Board. Photocopy of condom display 180 x 234mm (both sides shown). Original condom man design; Tim Davis, FPS Ltd. circa 1988.

NUJ, Equity Council. Leaflet; A4 barrel-fold to 1/3, mono on coloured stock. pre 1990.

THT Booklet: A5 2col, 26pp. 4th edition Nov 1989, revised March 1991.

BHAN. Flyer; A5 mono on coloured stock, 2xsided. Includes order form for publication. 1991.

The Terrence Higgins Trust. Leaflet; A4 barrel-fold to 1/3, mono. (front and inside spread shown). 1991.

HEA. Publication; A4 16pp, 2 col. Cover illustration; Diane Meacham, Bleachman, SF AIDS Foundation. Design concept; Philip Mann, ACE Ltd. Design assistance; Diane Meacham. November 1991.

Argyll & Clyde Health Board (Health Promotion Unit). Leaflet: A4 folding to A5, 2 col. Promoting campaign materials. Separate Price List inside. Design: The Beedham Agency. 1992

HEA. Flyer; A4 2 col. 1992.

HIV & Addictions Resource Centre, Greater Glasgow Health Board. Report booklet; A5 landscape, 16pp, 4 col cover, mono inside. 1993.

Health Education Authority. Publication: A4, 24pp, 2 col. Design concept: Philip Mann ACE Ltd. Spring 1993.

Health Education Board for Scotland. Report booklet; A5, 2 col. 20pp + 4pp cover. 1993.

AVERT. Leaflet; A5 4pp2 col. 1993.

NAT, NUS & CUSU. Folder; 319x225mm, 2 col. Contains; Letter, World AIDS Day Newsletter (A3 4pp folding to A4, mono + spot red. Design: Ideology) 11 x A4 loose pages, mono. Sexpo ’93 4pp A4 mono. NAT Red Ribbon leaflet. 1993.

HIV & Addictions Resource Centre, Greater Glasgow Health Board. Booklet; A5 landscape, 16pp, 4 col cover, mono inside. Design: Frank Connolly Design Studio. 1994.

GMFA. Flyer: A5, mono 2 x sided. circa 1994

Lothian Health, Health Promotion Department. Flyer; A4, 4 col. (Reverse: ‘C Card’). 1994.

Lothian Health, Health Promotion Department. Flyer; A4, 4 col. (Reverse: ‘Condoms’). 1994.

Liverpool Health Promotion Agency. Flyer; A4, 4 col (front & back shown). Design; Andrew Dineley. 1994.

Wessex Institute of Public Health Medicine. Wessex HIV/AIDS Response Manual. Flyer; A5 photocopy, 2 sided (order form on back). 1994.

HEA, NAT & Women’s Health & Screening Delegation. Publication; A4, 4pp B&W + 4pp cover mono on coloured stock. circa 1994.

Churchill Livingstone (publishers). Leaflet; A4, 4pp2 col. 1994

HEA. Flyer; A4, 2 col. Illustrations: Tamsin Wilton. 1994.

Barnet Health Agency AIDS Education Unit. Publication: A4, 4pp mono. Autumn 1994.

Lothian Health, Health Promotion Department. Flyer; A4, 4 col. (Reverse: ‘Taking Care Materials’). 1994.

Lothian Health, Health Promotion Department. Flyer; A4, 4 col. (Reverse: ‘World AIDS Day’). 1994.

The Positive Place. Leaflet; 210x99mm, 4pp, 2 col. Design: Artworkers. circa 1992-1995

Agenda: Influencing HIV Policies & Practice. George House Trust. Publication: A3, 12pp folding to A4, 2 col. Design: Influence Design. Photo: Tim Asprey. Dec 1994 – Feb 1995.

HIV Prevention Education Makes Sense – or does it? London Borough of Hillingdon. Booklet; A5, 2 col 8pp + 2 col, 4pp cover. Illustrations; Craig Longmuir, adapted from ‘Working Around AIDS Together’. circa 1990-1995.

AVERT. Flyer; A5, 2 col 2x sided. circa 1990-1995.

George House Trust. Flyer; 297x148mm printed 1 side, (perforated flap), 2 col. circa 1990-2000.

PACE. Leaflet: A5, 4pp, photocopied on coloured stock. 1995.

Health Protection & Promotion, The City of Liverpool. Booklet; A5, 2 col. Design; PRIS Graphic Design. 1995.

BDA Health Promotion Unit. Leaflet; 210x210mm, 4pp, 4 col. circa 1990-1995.

Europe Against AIDS. UK National Coordination Centre for Health Education & Research, Canterbury Christ Church College. Publication: A4, 18pp B&W + 4pp 2 col cover. Design & print: parkers. 1995.

Summer Campaign Europe Against AIDS, Bruxelles. VHS cover: 195x253mm, 1 col. 1995.

Europe Against AIDS, International Coordination. Leaflet; 1/3 A4, 8pp barrel fold, 4 col. 1995.

8th Conference on Social Aspects of AIDS South Bank University. Abstracts: A4, 40pp B&W + 4p cover black on coloured card. 1995.

Drug Education Team, Hillingdon & PEPA. Booklet: A5, 12pp, 1 col on coloured stock. 1995.

The Naz Project. Booklet; A5, 24pp mono. 1995.

The Terrence Higgins Trust. Leaflet; 210x392mm barrel-fold to 1/4. 2 col. 1995.

Professional HIV Prevention Resources from the HEA HEA. Leaflet; A4, 4pp, 2 col. 1995.

NAT & HEA. Folder containing 10 A2 posters; 15 general leaflets; 15 red ribbon leaflets; 1 red ribbon; Logo Sheet; Guides to Using the Media, Agencies & Resources, Campaigning Fundraising; Action Kit. Design; Ideology. 1995

Taylor & Francis (publishers). Publication; A4 8pp + foldout order form, 2 col. circa 1995/96

Lothian Regional Council Education Dept. Leaflet: A4 folding to A5, 3 col. Promotingrunning workshops with young people. circa mid 90s.

HEA. Leaflet; Leaflet; 210x99mm, 4pp, 2 col. post 1995.

HEA. Leaflet; Leaflet; A4 folding to 1/3, barrel fold, 2 col. post 1995.

NAT (supported by Levi’s) Leaflet promoting resource pack; A4 barrel-fold to 1/3, 2 col. circa mid 1990s.

Reach Out Highland. Publication: A4 4pp, mono. Jan-Feb 1996.

S.A.V.E Ltd. Business card: A6 2 col. (letterhead also in collection) Design: 1996.

GMFA. Press ad: 1/4 page, 180x128mm, mono. Positive Times issue 14, April 1996.

Crusaid & Glaxo Wellcome HIV Care. Booklet; 170x99mm, 20pp + 4pp cover, black on coloured stock. 1996.

NAM + 10 ASOs. Leaflet; A5, 6pp barrel fold, 2 col. 1996.

ICA & The Terrence Higgins Trust. Conference leaflet: 210x130mm, 6pp barrel fold, 2 col. Design: Siân 200 ( 1996.

NAM. Publication: A4, 8pp, 2 col. Design: positive Design Works. June 1996.

The University of Salford. Symposium programme: A5, 8pp double parallel fold, 4 col. Design: Design Team, The University of Salford. 1996.

Carfax Publishing Company. Leaflet: A5, 4pp + half page order form, barrel fold. 3 col. circa 1996.

HEA. Leaflet: A4 folding to 1/3, 4 col, 2 sided (one side shown). 1996.

Daniels Publishing. Booklet: A4, 8pp, 2 col. circa 1996.